Sunday, February 28, 2016

I Hope You Can See Hope

Hi! Ready for another round of ramblings?

So it's getting to be my favorite time of year again: Easter is once again creeping upon us. I know it's a little early yet to be thinking about it, but, as I mentioned, it's my favorite time of year and I just couldn't wait any longer to write about it.

Easter is my favorite holiday, even more than Christmas or Thanksgiving. I like it because my family gets together, I like it because I get to dress up, I like it because I get to see my friends. But I love it because it is a yearly reminder of what Jesus Christ did for us, and that is cause for somber reflection, yes; but also praise and celebration.

So, I definitely think that Jesus is a hero who's story deserves to be told. And since that is one of the purposes of this blog, to share the inspiring stories of heroes, I think I'll do just that. Really quickly and briefly, here's some background in case you don't know, or maybe you just forgot:

Easter comes in three parts.

First: This dude Jesus - who happens to be the perfect, sinless son of the Creator God - leaves his paradise in Heaven and comes to earth. He spends thirty-three years among us humans, eating, drinking and talking with us. This in itself is huge. He also preaches and does miracles to convince us that he is, in fact, who he says he is, and that is God. He makes friends and feels emotions and connects with us so he can understand what we're going through.

Second: Jesus is brutally murdered. He's killed. He knew this was going to happen - in fact, it's the reason he came to the earth in the first place. Because we are sinners we needed a perfect sacrifice to compensate for our guilt. And we are guilty. A mob took him and he went with them, unprotestingly, and they beat him within an inch of his life. Finally, they crucified him. He was definitely dead and he chose to die for you, and for me.

Third: Jesus doesn't stay dead. He, in his infinite power and grace, rose from the dead; not like a zombie or a ghost but as a regular person. This is the reason we celebrate Easter. If Jesus had not risen from the dead, we would not be able to partake of the gift that God can now offer us: eternal life with him -  if we believe this true story and follow God's leading.

(If you want to know more about this awesome true story of good overcoming evil, the epitome of hope, take a look at the gospel of John in the Bible.)

This is what I believe with my whole heart. I know that it isn't necessarily popular and I am not trying to preach, only to share information and truth for others to make a decision of their own. The thing is, if I've chosen wrong, I've only wasted my life. If someone chooses something else, and they chose wrong...well, they've wasted their eternity.

So, I wanted to share something that I think is really interesting about the story of Jesus's resurrection that was shared with me by one of my best friends. John 20:15-16 is the story of Jesus first appearing after this miracle, to Mary Magdalene. It says this: " He asked her, 'Woman, why are you crying? Who is it you are looking for?' Thinking he was the gardener, she said, 'Sir, if you have carried him away, tell me where you have put him, and I will get him.' Jesus said to her, 'Mary.' She turned toward him and cried out in Aramaic, 'Rabboni!' (which means “Teacher”)."

He even spoke to her and she remained unaware.
Mary was grieving tremendously. Her hope for the future of mankind had just died, this man that she had spent the past (about) three years worshipping and learning from and loving. She was so caught up in her distress that she failed to notice the presence of her Teacher, her Lord. Her God. Jesus was standing right behind her. He even spoke to her and she remained unaware. 
Similarly, I think that we can get so caught up in our own troubles that we don't notice Jesus. We cry out for him, stumbling blindly in our darkness and ignorance, not realizing that Jesus is right there, waiting for us to notice, ready to catch us if we fall. He's got our back. But we concentrate on our troubles even as we pray for guidance, and we don't feel him there. And then you just want to give up, because how can you do it on your own?

Well, you can't.

But Jesus is holding onto you, even if you aren't holding onto him.

As soon as you search for him, he will make himself known to you. He has a way of popping back up, if only you know where to look. He is reflected in the natural world all around us. Little things, anything from the lyrics to a song that just won't get out of your head, to a shooting star that touches your heart just right. Jesus can show himself in many ways as long as you are looking. But most of all, he shows himself in the actions of his followers. That is why I share stories of people performing good deeds. Even if those people aren't Christians, their actions can inspire Christians to do the same for our Jesus. It brings glory to God. And it helps people who are searching for Jesus to be able to find him. That could be an unbeliever, or it could be a Christian who has "fallen away" (for lack of a better term) and has all but given up. We have the opportunity to show others hope, to be lights to even the darkest of hearts.

And this just by our actions and our words. If we keep our eyes open, and know what to look for, we will be encouraged by the knowledge that Jesus is right there, right behind us. If we keep our eyes open, we'll recognize him. And if we believe in him, he will never leave us. Hebrews 13:5-6 says that "he has said, “' will never leave you nor forsake you.' So we can confidently say, 'The Lord is my helper; I will not fear; what can man do to me?'" 

This Easter, I hope you can see the hope: the Hope for all people. I hope you have a wonderful holiday, and that you will touch others lives with something you say or do. I hope you never take for granted the kindnesses of others because they are how God shows himself in our world.     

1 comment:

  1. Happy Easter to you and your family!

